Rally against the "Kharkiv Agreements"

Rally against the "Kharkiv Agreements"

2011, 6 min

Protests by opposition parties ("Our Ukraine", "Bloc of Yulia Tymoshenko", "Narodna Samoborona", "United Center" and others) against the actions of the "Kharkiv Agreements", April 27, 2011.

On the video: supporters of the opposition march through the streets of Kyiv, demonstrators carry a large flag of Ukraine, posters with the inscriptions "Russian sailor is the occupier of Ukraine", "Get the Russian fleet away from us! This is blackmail, cheap gas", "Gas prices are doubling! Get rid of the lying government shame!".
On the opposite side of the street are supporters of the Party of Regions.

Andriy Parubiy, a deputy of Ukraine from the "Our Ukraine — People's Self-Defense" bloc, delivers the speech.