Congress of the "Movement" political party, Part 2, 1997

Congress of the "Movement" political party, Part 2, 1997

1997, 59 min

Lviv, 1997. The congress of the political party "People's Movement of Ukraine" (abbreviated "Movement") was held in the Lviv National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet, named after Solomiya Krushelnytska.

In the video: laying flowers at the monument to Taras Shevchenko. Party members in the audience and on stage. Speeches will be given by: Ukrainian politician, public figure, scientist — Vasyl Kuybida. The head of the Lviv regional organization of the Taras Shevchenko "Prosvita" society is Roman Lubkivskyi: Ukrainian poetess, public figure, wife of Vyacheslav Chornovol - Atena Pashko. The chairman of the Congress of the Ukrainian Intelligentsia is Stepan Pavlyuk. The first deputy head of the All-Ukrainian Association of Veterans is Pavlo Vivchar.

Video: from Yaroslav Svatko's archive.