Congress of the "Movement" political party, Part 1, 1997

Congress of the "Movement" political party, Part 1, 1997

60 min

Lviv, 1997. Congress of the political party "People's Movement of Ukraine" (abbreviated as "Movement") in the Lviv National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after Solomia Krushelnytska.

In the video: laying flowers at the monument to Taras Shevchenko. Party members sing the national anthem of Ukraine in the audience hall and on stage. Speeches are given by: Vyacheslav Chornovil and Ivan Drach.

Presentation of party members on stage: Vyacheslav Chornovola, Ivan Drach, Dmytro Pavlychko, Mykhailo Gordiy, Orest Fordychka, Mykhailo Kozin, Olesya Gorgonovich, Lev Hlukhivskyi, Yaroslav Kendzor, Lesya Tanyuk, Atena Pashko, Vasyl Kuybida, Mykhailo Golubets, Roman Lukivskyi, Stepan Pavlyuk, Pavel Vilchar, Zoryan Bir, Volodymyr Sereda, Nina Turbota, Yosyp Romanyuk, Danuta Chernii, Arkady Parkhomovskyi, Dmytro Chobit, Igor Derzhyuk, Roman Shmit, Petro Khrushch.

Video: from Yaroslav Svatko's archive.