The Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Babyny Yar
2016, 2 min
On September 29-30, 1941, mass shootings took place in Kyiv in Babi Yar — 33,771 people were killed. In total, according to historians, more than 100,000 people died there during the two years of Nazi occupation of Kyiv. Half of them were Jews.
September 29 is the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Babyny Yar. On the video: people lay flowers at the monument to the shot dead, a concert, officials.
Comments: Maria Sytnikova, the relatives of those killed in Babyny Yar, Olga Bazhan, the director of the Central State Archive of Public Associations of Ukraine, Oleksandr Dukhovny, the chief rabbi of Kyiv and Ukraine.