Memories of Roman Ratushny

Memories of Roman Ratushny

2022, 36 min

Roman Ratushnyi is a Ukrainian public figure, journalist, and volunteer soldier. Participant of the Euromaidan. He is known for his fight to preserve the Protasiv Yar tract in Kyiv. Roman Ratushnyi died on June 9, 2022 near Izium, defending the eastern front. Memories of family and friends about Roman Ratushnyi.

Interviews with Roman Ratushnyi's mother Svitlana Povaliaieva, poet Ivan Malkovych, lawyer Yevhenia Zakrevska, journalist Denys Kazansky, Roman Ratushnyi's friend Yevhen Cherepnyi, historian Vakhtang Kipiani, platoon commander of the 93rd Brigade Ivan Mischenko, Myroslava Gongadze, wife of Heorhiy Gongadze, and actress Rima Ziubina.