Zagariya Mykhailo: released from Russian captivity

Zagariya Mykhailo: released from Russian captivity

2024, 66 min

Chernivtsi region, Zastavna district, Vaslovivtsi village. The video tells the story of Ukrainian soldier Mykhailo Zaharia. He tells about his experiences in captivity.

Mykhailo Zaharia, a 25-year-old soldier from Bukovyna, spent 59 days in Russian captivity. In the last battle, he received a bullet wound, which is why the Russian military first wanted to shoot him.

Mykhailo has been fighting since he was 18 years old. In captivity, he was beaten, tortured with electric shocks, and twice removed from the exchange list because he refused to sign a document refusing to serve. After his release, the fighter fought in the Kupyansk sector for another year.