"Teleexpedition" through the cities of Ukraine

"Teleexpedition" through the cities of Ukraine

1989, 43 min

Report about the teleexpedition that took place from May 15 to 28, 1989 in the cities of Ukraine. It was attended by representatives of various republics of the Soviet Union. The participants visited the "hero cities" Kyiv, Odesa and Zaporizhzhia.

On the video: a steamship with expedition participants sails along the Dnieper, Slavutych, factory pipes smoke, Polonsky Porcelain Factory, Odesa, Deribasivska street, sea port, Odessa catacombs, monument to the unknown sailor, Odessa University, Khortytsia Island, Dniproges, Cossack Museum, Zaporizhzhia .

Report in Russian. It tells about the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR and its "great significance", that the idea of ​​the expedition is to acquaint the participants with the history and culture of Ukraine, the participants share their impressions of Ukrainian cities, the "development of the Ukrainian SSR" and other "initiatives of the leadership of the USSR ".

The report contains signs of propaganda. A newsreel from the time of the Second World War is used, the Song about Bayda performed by Mykola Kozak is played.

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