Volodymyr Patyk: 80th anniversary of the artist

Volodymyr Patyk: 80th anniversary of the artist

2006, 29 min

Lviv TV, 2006, program "Khyst".

The program is dedicated to the 80th birthday of Volodymyr Patyk. The video shows the artist's works, congratulations on the anniversary, guests at the podium, and the audience in the hall. Interview: Ihor Kozhan, director of the Lviv National Sheptytsky Museum, Volodymyr Ovsiichuk, doctor of art history, Ivan Drach, poet, Romanna Patyk, wife of Volodymyr Patyk, Roman Didula, writer, and the artist himself talking about his work and life.

The program was created by Vasyl Hlynchak. Archival videos were used.

Reference: Volodymyr Patyk was born on October 9, 1926. He is a Ukrainian painter, landscape painter, and master of still life. He has been a member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1958, Honored Artist of Ukraine, winner of the Taras Shevchenko National Prize, People's Artist of Ukraine, and honorary citizen of Lviv. Volodymyr Patyk died on August 28, 2016. He was buried at Lychakiv Cemetery in Lviv.