Bohdan Yanivsky: songs by the composer
27 min
Audio of songs by composer Bohdan Yanivsky:
1. “How He Fell”, lyrics Borys Oliynyk, performed by Yaroslav Hnatiuk.
2. “Carousel”, lyrics by Petro Shkarbyuk, performed by Valentyna Mykhailova accompanied by the Ukrainian Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Rostyslav Babych
3. Songs performed by the Lybid Trio: “Don't Forget”, ‘Starry Nights’, ‘Stranger’, ‘Aphrodite's Sadness’, ‘Memory’.
4. “Vihola” from the play ‘Eternally Alive,’ lyrics by Roman Kudlyk, performed by Lesia Borovets
5. “Don't Forget”, lyrics by Bohdan Stelmakh, performed by Liubov Argatyuk-Karnaukh (soprano) and Valeriy Dusaniuk (baritone), accompanied by the Ukrainian Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Rostyslav Babych
6. “How He Fell”, lyrics by Borys Oliynyk, performed by Ihor Kushpler accompanied by the Ukrainian Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Rostyslav Babych
The material was digitized by the team of the “House of Sound” department Lviv Radio with the assistance of the Department of Composition and the Problematic Research Laboratory of Musical Ethnology of the Mykola Lysenko National Music Academy.