Opening of the Franko Museum in Ivano-Frankivsk
2016, 29 s
Fragments of the video from the opening of the first Ivan Franko public museum in the local history department of the Ivano-Frankivsk Central Library, December 29, 2016.
Historian Bohdan Gavrylov tells the story.
Reference: Ivan Franko is a Ukrainian writer, translator, playwright, scientist and political activist. He was born on August 27, 1856 in the village of Naguyevichi. He studied at the school at the Basilian monastery, the Drohobytsky gymnasium and the Lviv University. In 1876, his first poetry collection "Ballads and Tales" was published. After his arrest, he studied at the University of Chernivtsi and defended his thesis at the University of Vienna. Co-founder of the magazine "Public Friend" and the Russian-Ukrainian Radical Party. Actively engaged in journalistic and publicist activities. He died on May 28, 1916, and was buried at the Lychakiv cemetery in Lviv.