Consequences of blowing up the Kakhovskaya HPP

Consequences of blowing up the Kakhovskaya HPP

2023, 43 min

Consequences of flooding after the explosion of the Kakhovka Hydropower Station, August 29, 2023.

On the video: city streets, destroyed houses, people talking about the consequences of flooding and preparing for winter. Comments of local residents Zinaida Shcherbyna, Ihor Kuzmyk and Lyubov Tyshchenko and others.

Reference: On June 6, 2023, the Russian military committed a war crime by blowing up the dam of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant in the Kherson region. This station was the fifth largest in Ukraine and had the largest area of ​​shallow water. The explosion caused the flooding of surrounding towns and villages. And this led to numerous victims among people and animals, destruction of property and environmental damage.