Poet Dmytro Lutsenko recites poetry

Poet Dmytro Lutsenko recites poetry

1984, 3 min

Audio recording from 1984. The poet Dmytro Lutsenko recites poetry from his new collection Dear Heritage.

Reference: Dmytro Lutsenko is a songwriter, author of more than 300 songs, including “Mama's Cherry,” “My Kyiv,” “Ukraine, My Love,” and “Autumn Gold. Oleksandr Bilash, Platon Maiboroda, Ihor Shamo, and Ihor Poklad wrote songs based on his words. The poet worked in newspaper editorial offices and as a correspondent for the All-Union Radio in Ukraine. Dmytro Lutsenko's creative work includes more than 19 books of poetry. In 1962, Dmytro Lutsenko was accepted as a member of the Writers' Union of Ukraine.