Frescoes returned from the Hermitage
2008, 3 min
July 15, 2008, Kyiv.
On video: Museum of the History of the St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery, exposition: a carved slate slab with a holy warrior-horseman from the 11th century, frescoes from the 12th century of St. Michael's Cathedral; in the foreground are glazed objects of worship: crosses, lamps, censers, banners, chalices, works of icon painting, samples of priestly vestments from the 18th-19th centuries.
Reference: In 2008, eleven restored 12th-century frescoes were presented in the St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral in Kyiv, including the scenes "Eucharist", "Stephen and Faldeus", the images of Saint Zachary and "Annunciation", which were returned to Ukraine after lengthy negotiations with Russia in 2001-2004. The frescoes, which were taken to Germany during World War II and, after its end, ended up in the Russian Hermitage, were part of the interior of the cathedral built by Prince Svyatopolk Izyaslavovich. Their return was an important event, as these works of art are part of the national cultural heritage of Ukraine.