Museum of Art of the Hutsul Region, 1976
1976, 10 min
Ivano-Frankivsk region, the city of Kolomyia.
The video for 1976 with the exhibition of the Kolomyia Museum of Folk Art of the Hutsul Region (now the National Museum of Folk Art of the Hutsul Region and Pokuttya named after Yosafat Kobrynsky).
On the video: the museum building (the building of the former People's House), various angles, a sign with the inscription "Kolomyia Museum of Folk Art of the Hutsul Region"; exhibition of folk art of the Hutsuls and Pokuttya: ceramics, wooden products, furniture; Hutsul brassware: a collection of bartok (axes); reconstruction of the dwelling, reproduction of everyday life; museum visitors; a hall with elements of Soviet propaganda; Hutsul paintings, gerdans; Kosiv ceramics, various products.