“Zhurba and Joy”: Oleksandr Oles
2000, 19 min
Sumy Television. The episode of the cycle program "Zemlyaki” about the Ukrainian poet and playwright Oleksandr Kandyba (Olesya) for December 5, 2000.
On the video: recitation of the poem “With sorrow joy embraced”; books, photographs, handwritten poems of the poet; biography of Oleksandr Kandyba; the house of the Kandyba family in Bilopilly, a thematic exhibition, photographs from the poet’s personal archive, various angles; Central Library of Bilopilly; Memorial plaque of Oleksandr Olesya on the house on Petropavliska Street in Sumy; a song to the poet’s poem “Chary nochi” performed by Nina Matvienko.
Comments: historian-local historian Volodymyr Khrolenko; lecturer at Sumy State University Olena Tkachenko; head of the organizational and methodological department of the central library of Bilopilly, Natalya Klepalska; resident of Bilopilly, Ulyana Babenko.
The following people worked on the release of the program: Lyudmila Malko, Olena Shevchenko, Natalia Narodytska, Andriy Gerashchenko, Viktor Lapchenko, Valeriy Obozny, and Liliya Kozlova.