Filming of the movie “Forbidden”
2018, 2 min
Kyiv, July 7, 2018.
Filming the film Forbidden about Vasyl Stus.
Comments: Dmytro Yaroshenko, who plays Vasyl Stus, about preparing for the filming of the prison scene; Roman Brovko, the film's director, about interesting topics for filming Ukrainian cinema; Artemiy Kirsanov, the screenwriter, about the task of humanizing the image of Stus; Stanislava Krasovska, who plays Svitlana Kyrychenko, about the fashion for everything Ukrainian, including Vasyl Stus and Ukrainian cinema.
For reference: In 2019, the film Forbidden was released about the Ukrainian poet and dissident Vasyl Stus. The film was shot in 2018-2019. During the filming, the title of the movie changed several times: first, it was called Bird of the Soul, then Stus, and finally Forbidden. In the process of filming the movie, an episode from the last trial of Vasyl Stus, where Viktor Medvedchuk was his lawyer, was removed from the script. The fact that this episode was deleted was perceived negatively by the society.