Odesa News, November 17-20, 2003

Odesa News, November 17-20, 2003

2003, 29 min

“Fakty” - news from Odesa, November 17, 18, 19 and 20, 2003.

November 17: opening of the Lukoil filling station; participation of Odesa athletes in the Olympic Games (comments by Mykola Kostenko, Head of the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, Anton Kissé, Deputy Head of the Odesa Regional Administration, and Yuriy Povoltsky, Head of the Regional Administration's Department for Physical Culture and Sports).

Topics of the November 18 issue: training of graduates of Odesa State Agrarian University; production of counterfeit alcohol; opening of a seaport, organization of international ferries (comments by the Minister of Transport of Ukraine Heorhiy Kirpa, Ilyichevsk Mayor Valeriy Khmelnyuk, President of Ukrferry Oleksandr Kurlyand);

Topics of the November 19 issue: awarding the Order of the Republic of Moldova to the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma (commentary by the President of the Republic of Moldova, Volodymyr Voronin), Leonid Kuchma's visit to the Moldovan winery “Mileștii Mici”; opening of a new station at Rozdilna station (comments by the Minister of Transport of Ukraine, Heorhiy Kirpa, and the Head of the Odesa Regional State Administration, Serhiy Hrynevetskyi)

Topics of the issue for November 20: meeting of the city council (comments: Mykola Tyndyuk, 1st Deputy Head of the Odesa Regional State Administration; Hryhoriy Piddubnyi, Head of the Main Financial Department of the Regional State Administration); pension reform, seminar meeting of trade union representatives