Odesa News, November 21, 2003

Odesa News, November 21, 2003

2003, 28 min

“Fakty” - news from Odesa, November 21, 25, 26 and 27, 2003.

Topics of the November 21 issue: appendectomy, Leonid Kuchma's condition after surgery (comments by Oleksandr Vozianov, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine); gasification of Bilyayivska school No. 1 (comments by: Mykola Tyndyuk, 1st Deputy Head of Odesa Regional State Administration, Valentyna Bruchkus, Director of Bilyayivka School No. 1, Mykhailo Bukhtiarov, Mayor of Bilyayivka); a meeting of the State Committee for Communications and Information of Ukraine (comments by Petro Vorobienko, Rector of ONAS).

Topics of the issue for November 25: meeting of heads of district state administrations and heads of local self-government bodies (comments by Hryhoriy Piddubnyi, head of the main financial department of the regional administration, and Vasyl Usenko, head of the main department of labor and social protection of the population).

Topics of the November 26 issue: student employment (comments by Oleksiy Pavlov, Executive Director of the Training Center for Professional Rehabilitation of ONPU Students); art evening.

November 27 issue: weather forecast for the day, sports digest, journalist - Valeriy Zelenyak; construction of a sewerage system for beaches (commentary: Volodymyr Zelenyak, Head of the Environmental Safety Department of Odesa City Council).