Odesa News, October 28, 2003

Odesa News, October 28, 2003

2003, 26 min

The video features materials for editing the "Facts" news release from October 28, 2003.

Comments: Odesa Mayor Ruslan Bodelan, Head of the Customs Control Organization Department Gennady Lupu, First Deputy Head of the Black Sea Regional Customs Oleksandr Vdovichenko, Medical Coordinator of Doctors Without Borders Simon Janes, Head of the Youth Policy Department of the City Council Iryna Semishkur, Director of the Odesa City Social Center services for youth Olena Hrybova-Petkova, the rector of the Odesa National Maritime Academy Mykhailo Miyusov, the head of the Odesa Regional Council Volodymyr Novatskyi, the first vice-president of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine Tetyana Varfolomeeva and others.