The film “Zhytomyr Agrarian Region”

Zhytomyr Television, November 26, 2004.

The film “Zhytomyr Agrarian Region” is dedicated to agriculture and industry in the Zhytomyr region. The results of the harvest for 2004 are summarized, and the work process in the agricultural sector is described.

The video shows fields with the harvest, fragments of the work process at enterprises, farms.

Comments: Head of the private agricultural enterprise “Granit” Stepan Sydorchuk; Head of the agricultural LLC “Ptakhivnyk” Valentyna Halchuk; Head of the Bogdan Khmelnytskyi Agricultural Cooperative Oleksiy Stepaniuk; Head of the Romaniv District Regional Administration Mykola Deysan; Director of the agricultural enterprise “Orion” Volodymyr Shvets.