Farewell to the  Oleksandr Shcherbanyuk. Part 2

Farewell to the Oleksandr Shcherbanyuk. Part 2

2014, 108 min

February 23, 2014, Chernivtsi.

The video shows the funeral of Maidan Hero Oleksandr Shcherbaniuk: photos of the fallen Maidan Heroes, people lighting candles, taking out the body, people shouting “Glory to the Heroes!”; the funeral procession heading to the Central Square; the farewell liturgy, speeches by people, priests of all denominations; people shouting “Hero”, “Glory to the Heroes”, singing the anthem of Ukraine” from the Central Square, the funeral procession heading down Holovna Street, Chervonoarmiyska Street (now called the Maidan Heroes) to the Central Cemetery. Main Street, Krasnoarmeyskaya Street (now called Heroes of the Maidan) to the Central Cemetery; people shout “Hero”, “Glory to Heroes”, “Heroes do not die”; a funeral service at the cemetery; fireworks in the sky; a funeral.

Interview: Stanislav Kozak, a combatant in Afghanistan; Vasyl Tsyhanenko, a participant of the Maidan; Olha, daughter of Oleksandr Shcherbaniuk; residents of Chernivtsi.

Part of the interview is in russian.